A busy Spring for our Group

April, May & June 2023

A busy Spring for our Group, kicking off with an afternoon tea party fundraiser for Dunbar Day Centre Mini Bus Appeal, when we raised an amazing £228.45! We also enjoyed a wonderful trip to Prestonpans Museum; participated in “Tales from Our Kitchen Table sessions; a picnic at Lauderdale Park to celebrate National Volunteers’ Week and an Afternoon Tea at Winterfield Golf Club to celebrate National Carers’ Week.

Our Zoom sessions were enhanced by visits from Koren from the Scottish Book Trust, Claire from Vegetarian from Life, and Fiona from Holyrood Palace, and we were joined at one of our regular weekly meetings by Elizabeth from Handicabs Lothian.

Jan, Feb, Mar 2023

A busy start to the year when we welcomed home our beautiful Processions banner (now hanging in Dunbar Library). We then enjoyed a series of Art Therapy Workshops with local artist, Barbara Rowell, as well as our usual Chair Exercise/Relaxation sessions, Crafts and Bingo. We had a wonderful trip to Holyrood Palace, enjoyed poetry sessions and also raised £200 for Project Linus at one of our famed fundraising afternoon tea parties!

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, 19 January, 2023

Our first outing of the year (in brilliant sunshine!) was to Holyrood Palace – a real ‘royal’ event in every sense of the word, in no small part to the lovely programme that had been arranged for us, and for the the kindness and thoughtfulness shown by all the staff. A lovely lunch followed in the Palace Cafe. The day was made possible thanks to Community Windpower/BeGreen, Dunbar.

Post Pandemic Outings 2022

Oh how lovely it was to be be able to get out and about again! In July 2022 we enjoyed a return visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh and in August, another return visit, this time for a barge trip with the Seagull Trust, Ratho. Happy Days! This was in addition to wonderful local outings to Amisfield Gardens, Belhaven Community Garden and The Backlands, Dunbar.

Autumn/Winter 2023

We finished off 2022 with a wonderful Christmas Lunch at Winterfield Golf Club, having enjoyed a variety of activities over the past 3 months: crafts, chair exercise, guest speakers, bingo and a fantastic Book Week Scotland event with Edinburgh poet Ken Cockburn (thanks to Sharing a Story CIC and the Scottish Book Trust).