Charity Trustees

Lorna Bunney was self-employed in the Hotel and Hospitality/Retail Industry for 25 years. In memory of her mother, and having faced many of the challenges families encounter when helping to care for someone with a dementia related condition, Lorna was inspired to set-up The Dunbar Dementia Carers Support Group in 2015.
She will continue to run the Carers Support Group

Diana worked as a GP in Hull, East Yorkshire, before retiring to Dunbar in 2017.
Loved family members were affected by Dementia, so she brings both personal and professional experience to her role as trustee.
Diana is Chair of the SCIO

Jo McNamara lives in Dunbar and has been the Community Development Officer for the area for the past 20 years.
Through this experience she knows that the needs of older people are often overlooked and that the Dunbar Dementia Network has the potential to make a difference in this town.

Alasdair is a retired Chartered Accountant. In addition to helping with this charitable community project, Alasdair is also currently the Chairman of the Dunbar Harbour Trust and Treasurer to the Dunbar Community Council to which he has been elected. He is finance director of Belhaven Surf Centre Ltd which also has charitable status. He is a committee member of the Dunbar Shore & Harbour Neighbourhood Group.
None of the above offices is remunerated.