Formation of New Subgroup of Dunbar Dementia Carers Support Group – Our ‘Moving Forward’ Group

Our Carers Group members have had a long journey since the group’s formation in 2015; sadly, there have been bereavements, and several members have had to deal with the challenges of a loved one being moved from the family home into hospital or a care facility.

The difficulties of adjusting to life on one’s own have long been recognised and with some generous funding from East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership, in March this year, we were able to form a subgroup to assist with these challenges. This will be pilot scheme for the year, and we would hope to be able to obtain funds for this group for future years. The group, while still involved in many ways with its parent group, meets monthly, enjoying outings, get-togethers and companionship.

So far we have had lots of coffee and scones(!) at various local venues, and enjoyed a an Art Workshop with ‘The Creatives’, a shopping visit to The Fort, and an outing to Eyemouth. Loads more to look forward to!