Activities in May and June 2022

All sorts been going on recently, from Singsong sessions, Quiz and Afternoon Tea at BeGreen, Celebrations for National Carers Week at Winterfield Golf Club, a special ‘Thank You’ Tea for our lovely team during National Volunteers Week (with special thanks to Dunbar Grammar School students, Devon and Emmy for holding a Cake Sale to raise funds for the group. – a lot of cake this past few weeks….!) We also enjoyed a lovely visit to Belhaven Community Garden.

Recent Events in March/April 2022

Our Art Therapy Workshops continued in March, working with Artist Barbara Rowell, when we worked on our woven stories. Great fun and so, so relaxing.

Cristina of Raw Energy had us joining in with a Latin American chair dance session, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Our fundraising Maggie’s Centre (Edin) ‘Kitchen Table Event raised just over £200 for this wonderful facility.

Chris led some wonderful …
… Chair Dance Session

Further Reflections – Jan 21 – Dec 21

Building on last year’s experiences, the group continued to thrive and adapt to the the ever-changing situation.  We enjoyed many Zoom sessions with guest visitors – Lorna Hill of Dunbar’s ‘Sharing A Story CIC’; Karell Sime, Volunteer at Dunbar’s Empire Gardens; Koren Calder from The Scottish Book Trust;  Sandra & Rachel from ‘Age Scotland’.  We also enjoyed Cookery Demonstrations from ‘Vegetarian for Life’, as well as Bingo Sessions with our Volunteer, Beth.

Outwith our Zoom sessions, we delivered delicious homemade soups (thank you to Rita Bradd for the tatties!) to our Carers’ households; enjoyed one-to-one meetings and walks when possible; delivered Easter treat bags and continued to provide telephone support for our members.

At the end of June we cautiously resumed face-to-face meetings, observing Scottish Government safety guidelines.  What a joy to meet each other again.  We enjoyed chair exercise sessions with Chris, another visit to Dunbar Community Woodlands and The Backlands; Afternoon Tea at Winterfield Golf Club;  Fundraising Afternoon Tea Parties for both Macmillan and Maggie’s Centre, Edinburgh; a creative writing session with Lorna Hill; card-making sessions with Beth; celebrated Book Week Scotland with poet, Stuart Patterson; Christmas Decoration making with Marion Seath of ‘Fingers & Thumbs’ and ended the year with a sumptuous Christmas Lunch at the Winterfield.  Oh what fun we had!!