Dementia Friendly Health & Wellbeing Walks in Dunbar Starting on 31 January 2020

A new 10 week block of dementia friendly walks (detailed below) will commence on Friday, 31 January 2020.

Three of the walks  (Weeks  3, 6 and 9) will involve catching a bus, so don’t forget your bus pass!! All walks start from Bleachingfield Centre at 10-00 am, unless a Bus/Walk event – meet at 9-45 to catch X7 bus at 10-00 am, and will return to the centre after the walk, unless able to take coffee elsewhere.

WEEK 1   31 JAN   BROADHAVEN WALK  – approx      45 mins

WEEK 2    7 FEB    LOCHEND WOODS WALK  – approx 70 mins

WEEK 3   14 FEB   BUS/ WALK FOXLAKE WALK  –Please be at the Bleachingfield Centre for 9-45 am, to catch X7 bus at 10-00.  Return to Bleachingfield Centre after the walk

WEEK 4   21 FEB  CLIFF TOP TUNNEL WALK – approx 70 mins

WEEK 5   28 FEB  NEW BEAR WALK  – distance to be determined

WEEK 6    6 MAR  BUS/ WALK WEST BARNS TO DUNBAR   Please be at the Bleachingfield Centre for  9-45 am to catch X7 bus at 10-00 am.

WEEK 7    13 MAR   SENSORY GARDEN WALK  – approx 80 mins

WEEK 8    20 MAR   EWEFORD WALK  – approx           95 mins

WEEK 9   27 MAR  BUS /WALK TYNINGHAM TO EAST LINTON WALK  Please be at the centre for 9-45 am to catch X7 bus at 10-00 am.   Coffee in East Linton with return bus to Dunbar approx 12-30

WEEK 10   3 APR  BELHAVEN AND CLIFF TOP WALK  – – approx 105 mins


For further information,  please contact:

PARVINE JAZAYERI,  WALKS COORDINATOR,                                        BASED AT MEADOWMILL SPORTS CENTRE               TEL 01620 827240   MOBILE 07718 117585

Or email:

Christmas Lunch – 12 Dec 2019

Great afternoon at West Barns Bowling Club, when both our groups came together for Christmas lunch.  Helena and her team served a beautiful meal, and our tables looked lovely with their cheerful Christmas table decorations – thank you so much for this.  Everyone in great form (as usual), but we were sorry for the folks who were unable to join us, and a nice Christmas gift will be making its way to them.

Co op Community Funding Cheque – 23 Nov 2019

What a morning!! Off down to the
Co op to pick up a cheque for an amazing £4951.14!!! A huge thank you to the Co op, and all the Co op members who nominated us. This will provide ongoing Art Therapy workshops for our two groups – can’t believe how fortunate we have been. Special thanks to Alan (Manager, Countess Crescent branch), Stephen (Manager, High Street branch) and respective Staff members, for all their support and assistance during our in-store visits over the year.


Book Week Scotland Author Event -21 Nov 2019

To celebrate Book Week Scotland this year, our good friend Lorna Hill (Director of Sharing a Story CIC) in partnership with the Scottish Book Trust, arranged for author John Killick to come along to meet our groups – what a treat!!

John, who is currently writer in residence for Alzheimer Scotland, engaged the group in a variety of creative writing activities, which were much enjoyed by all. (Delicious ‘Book Week Scotland’ cupcakes were also served – thank you Lorna!). Huge thanks to Sharing a Story CIC and the Scottish Book Trust for making this event possible.