The past 6 months have passed in a flash, with an exciting range of activities enjoyed during the first half of 2024, including Chair Zumba with local instructor, Ruth Hunter-Pepper and regular Art Sessions with local artist, Hilary Mackay of The Creatives. All of these sessions have been made possible due to funding from East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership, for which we are very, very grateful.
Once again, local organisations and individuals have kindly given their time generously and provided us with some fantastic entertainment at our regular Thursday meetings: Local author and journalist, Douglas Wight; a talk from local lady, Mrs Muriel Sinclair on her career as a porcelain painting; several talks on local history from Dr James Herring; entertainment from local musicians ‘The Herbour Mooths’ and Dunbar Ukelele Band Concert Party. Our friend, Lorna Hill from Sharing a Story CIC led a lovely writing session, and Nicola Doherty from Dunbar Library led us in a fun art session. Andy Crummy kindly took time out of his busy schedule to talk about his involvement in the Great Tapestry of Scotland, and also his latest Cancer Tapestry.
We have greatly benefitted from visits by Carol Sinclair from the Falls Team, ELHSCP; Rachel Davidson from Age Scotland and Emily Rae from Fire Scotland, as well as enjoying our monthly chair exercise and mindfulness sessions from our volunteer, Chris. A return visit to Lauderdale Park for some Pétanque, and another visit to Amisfield Gardens were so enjoyed.
We are deeply appreciative of the support and kindness we have received from folks near and far and like to try and ‘pay this forward’ with a bit of fundraising for other groups – this year, so far, we have helped raise money for Leuchie House and Project Linus via our now legendary afternoon tea parties. We have also helped raise awareness of dementia related conditions through our display in BeGreen throughout the month of May (to coincide with Dementia Awareness Week), and celebrated National Carers’ Week and National Volunteers’ Week.
So far, we have ventured a bit further afield with an outing to Paxton House in Berwickshire, with several more outings to look forward to throughout the remainder of the year. Our fortnightly Zoom meetings have been greatly enhanced by visits from Fiona Johnston and Amy Stocker of the Royal Collection Trust; Katharine Aarrestad of National Galleries of Scotland, and chefs Claire and Ollie from Vegetarian for Life, who gave fantastic cookery demonstrations.
So much enjoyed already, and more to look forward too – our heartfelt thanks to all involved in making these events possible.