Our annual Macmillan Afternoon Tea was a great success once again. Maggie appeared with her legendary meringues (Birthday Boy Kenny managed two of them, as well as his birthday cake!!). Congratulated ‘Golden’ couple, Nesta & John, and paid tribute to the great work carried out by Macmillan…….all go!
One or two donations for Macmillan still to come in. Thanks to all for joining in, baking and bringing treats to share.
Opening of The Sanctuary Garden, The Backlands, Dunbar – 25 September 2019
The rain couldn’t dampen our spirits when we enjoyed a wonderful get together with staff and volunteers at The Backlands to celebrate the official opening of the Sanctuary Garden. The Carers Group planted roses to commemorate the lives of Mary & Lee, two group members who we miss so much. It will be lovely to watch these roses bloom and grow, continuing to give us joy and pleasure, as Mary and Lee did.
Our thanks to The Ridge for allowing us to be a part of this project.??
Alzheimer Scotland ‘Dementia Friends’ Workshop 19/9/19
A very enlightening and interesting evening for all who attended DDN’s first public event. Our thanks to Michael Huddleston, Dementia Advisor with Alzheimer Scotland for his informative and very enjoyable presentation. We all left with a greater understanding of the challenges faced by folks living with a diagnosis of a dementia related condition, and with even greater resolve to make life better for these families in our community.
Thanks also to the High Street Co op for donating provisions for refreshments on the night, and also to staff at Dunbar Library for their continued support.
Formation of Second Dunbar Dementia Carers Support Group
A second Dunbar Dementia Carers Support Group is due to start up on Wednesday 2 October 2019, 11 30 – 12 30 in The Bleachingfield Centre. To join, please contact Lorna Bunney on 01620 870632.
Dementia Awareness evening 19th September 2019
Learn a little of what it is like to live with dementia, so you can be supportive to people you know through your family, community or work.
Presentation and discussion with Dementia Advisor Michael Huddleston, from Alzheimer Scotland.
WHEN?-Thursday 19th September 7pm -8.30pm
WHERE? Gibb Room, Bleachingfield Centre, Dunbar EH42 1DX
Open to all. Free
More information:Michael Huddleston 0131 654 1114 or email dunbardementianetwork@gmail.com